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00003_Script_Dropdown List
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--Add the folowing fix:
--The "Dropdown List" behavior has provoked a couple of bug reports.
--Bart Pietercil pointed out that you can't place two Dropdown Lists one
--above the other: if you do, one of them will appear (closed) above the
--other. You can fix this by adding a line at the beginning of the
--OpenList and CloseList handlers:
-- on OpenList me -- sent by mouseDown
-- mySprite.locZ = the maxInteger
-- -- more stuff
-- end OpenList
-- on CloseList me -- sent by mouseUpOutside, HiliteSelection, CheckClick
-- mySprite.locZ = spriteNum
-- -- more stuff
-- end CloseList
on getBehaviorDescription me
return "¼
Drop this behavior on a Field member to create a pop-up list. ¼
Animations continue while the the list is kept open."&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
When the user clicks on the sprite, the dropdown list opens to reveal all ¼
its items. if the user immediately releases the mouse, the menu remains ¼
open until the next click. When the user selects a menu item, the menu ¼
closes up to displays the selected item. If the user clicks elsewhere, ¼
the menu closes to display the previously selected item."&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
You can use one of two modes for the Dropdown list:"&RETURN&"¼
1) To allow the user to make a selection"&RETURN&"¼
2) To execute a simple command."&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
In the first case, you will need to determine what the user selected. ¼
To interrogate the Dropdown list, use syntax similar to the following:"&¼
put sendAllSprites (#DropList_Selection, 'listName')"&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
This returns a property list with all the necessary information:"&¼
-- [#item: 1, #text: 'First choice', #type: #content, #sprite: 1]"&¼
See the 'Notes for developers' in the script itself for more details."&¼
You can choose any character to act as a checkmark to indicate the previous ¼
selection when the dropdown list is open. Depending on the font you use, you ¼
may wish to use a checkmark followed by a space. Reopen the Behavior ¼
Parameters dialog to make such a change."&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
You can choose to execute three types of command:"&RETURN&"¼
a) go marker (<selected item>)"&RETURN&"¼
b) go movie '<selected item>'"&RETURN&"¼
c) do '<selected item>'"&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
The type of command depends on the contents of the list. The behavior can ¼
automatically create a list of markers in the current movie, or movies in the ¼
current folder... or it can leave the contents of the Field as they are. In ¼
this last case, choosing 'Execute' makes the behavior treat the selected item ¼
as a Lingo command. You should include handlers in a movie script to deal ¼
with such commands."&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
TIP: Place the dropdown list sprite in a high channel where it will not be covered ¼
by any other sprites."&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
* Name of the list (used in sendAllSprite calls)"&RETURN&"¼
* Purpose - Choose between:"&RETURN&"¼
- Marker: creates a list of markers in current movie"&RETURN&"¼
- Movie: creates a list of movies with the same pathName"&RETURN&"¼
- Field contents: uses the current contents of the field"&RETURN&"¼
* Action on selection - Choose between:"&RETURN&"¼
- Execute: go movie | go marker | do selectedLine"&RETURN&"¼
- Select: return the selected item if called to do so"&RETURN&"¼
* Checkmark to indicate currently selected item"&RETURN&"¼
* Standard style: deselect this option if you want to give the Field member a ¼
particular border, margin or shadow."&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
=> Get info on currently selected item"&RETURN&"¼
=> Set the contents of the dropdown list"&RETURN&"¼
=> Toggle between Execute and Select modes"&RETURN&"¼
=> Get behavior reference"
end getBehaviorDescription
on getBehaviorTooltip me
return "¼
Use with Field members only."&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
Turn a Field into a pop-up list to execute commands"&RETURN&"¼
or store selected data. See the Behavior Description"&RETURN&"¼
for tips on executing items with the 'do' command or"&RETURN&"¼
accessing the currently selected item using Lingo."&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
Options: create a list of movies with the same path"&RETURN&"¼
name, or a list of markers in the current movie."
end getBehaviorTooltip
-- The handlers of this behavior fall into three types: those that determine
-- the contents of the list, those that react to the user's mouse clicks, and
-- those that allow Lingo access to the current selection.
-- The author has a choice of three types of content: #movie, #marker or
-- the current contents of the field. The latter two are easy to deal with
-- since the information already exists in the form of string. (The labelList
-- is in fact a string, not a list).
-- Creating a RETURN delimited string of movies is more complex. We want to
-- list all movies in the same folder as the current movie, or which are in
-- subfolders of this folder. The CreateMovieLists handler uses recursion.
-- The getNthFileNameInFolder function is used to look at each item in the
-- folder in turn. If it is a movie, it is added to the list. If not, it is
-- treated as if it were itself a folder. The MovieList handler calls a clone
-- of itself to examine the contents of this new folder. Any new movies found
-- are added to the growing movies variable.
-- Once the content has been established, the dimensions of the list can
-- be calculated. Setting the rect of a text member changes the size of the
-- onstage sprite. It does not in fact change the rect of the member. This
-- will always return the full height of the text. This behavior exploits this
-- fact to create the myOpenRect property. A RETURN character is then added to
-- the end of the list, to ensure that the hilite of the last line of the list
-- runs the full width of the field.
-- Actually, a RETURN delimited string is not quite enough. I place 3 spaces
-- at the beginning of each line, to make room for a checkmark. if the menu is
-- set to "select" (rather than ("execute"), then it needs to display a
-- checkmark to remind the user which item was selected previously. Most
-- characters that would be used as a checkmark, in most fonts, will be about
-- two spaces wide. So I place the checkmark in spaces one and two. If you
-- use a proportional font, this will make the item jump one space to the left.
-- To solve this use a character followed by a space as your checkmark: "* ".
-- Rather than add and subtract spaces constantly, I chose to create a list
-- with number items, containing the original text: myItemsList. This has the
-- additional advantage of storing the frame numbers for each marker, if
-- you choose to create a list of markers. I am indebted to Pim van Bochoven
-- for showing me how to create a list which includes duplicate marker names.
-- The major difficulty here is to determine the size and position of the open
-- list. Ideally, the list should open so that the current selection is under
-- the cursor. If the list is too near the top or bottom of the Stage for this
-- to happen, its position is shifted up or down the appropriate number of
-- lines.
-- This is not the standard behavior of a pop-up menu. Standard menu behavior
-- would require either an Xtra or more than one sprite.
-- The difference between this list behavior and a pop-up menu becomes even
-- clearer if the list is too long to fit on the Stage. If this happens, a
-- scrollbar is provided.
-- A mouseUp can have two meanings: a fast click will hold the list open, a
-- longer click indicates that the user has made a selection. the value of
-- the ticks when the mouse is first pressed is saved in myClickTicks. This
-- value is compared against the ticks as soon as the mouse is released. If
-- the difference is less than 30 ticks (half a second) the list wil remain
-- open. Otherwise, the behavior considers that a selection has been made.
-- If the list remains open, a click elsewhere should close it. The
-- prepareFrame handler checks if the clickOn is the number of the list
-- sprite. If not, the clicks was elsewhere.
-- When the list closes, two things must happen: the rect of the member has
-- to be set to the height of a single line, and the contents of the field must
-- be scrolled so that the selected item appears in the remaining space. The
-- scrollTop property gives the height in pixels between the start of the text
-- and the top of the visible line of text.
-- Note the simplicity of the ScrollTo handler.
-- The DropList_Selection handler gives flexible access to the current
-- selection. If only one dropdown list appears in the current frame, use..
-- put sendAllSprites (#DropList_Selection)
-- ...to print out a list in the Message Window. If more than one list is
-- present, then you can either include the list's name in your call:
-- put sendAllSprites (#DropList_Selection, "Markers")
-- -- [#item: 1, #text: "Intro, #type: #marker, #sprite: 1]
-- ... or send in an empty property list for each dropdown list to fill in with
-- its own details:
-- put sendAllSprites (#DropList_Selection, [:])
-- -- ["Markers": [#item: 1, #text: "Intro", #type: #marker, #sprite: 1],
-- "Movies": [#item: 5, #text: "Main", #type: #movie, #sprite: 2]]
-- You could also target the list's sprite directly, with a sendSprite call.
-- Any of these calls will return a list specifying:
-- * the number of the selected item
-- * the text of the selected item
-- * the type of data concerned (#movie | #marker | #content)
-- * the dropdown list's spriteNum
-- If you collect data for all dropdown lists in a property list, then the name
-- of each dropdown list will also be returned (as the property for each entry).
-- In the Behavior Parameters dialog you can set the list to use the
-- "Current contents of the field" and to "Execute... do selectedLine". The
-- behavior will now treat each item in the dropdown list as a Lingo command.
-- You will need to provide handlers in a movie script to treat these commands.
-- For example, your dropdown list could contain the following items:
-- Register
-- Help
-- Quit
-- Only "Quit" is a Lingo keyword that could be executed directly. For the
-- other two items you would need a movie script with the following handlers:
-- on Register
-- go marker ("Register")
-- end
-- on Help
-- open window "Help"
-- end
-- You can use a #DropList_SetContents call to change the contents of the
-- dropdown list on the fly.
-- If you send either a RETURN delimited string or a list as a parameter, the
-- dropdown list will now behave as if you had chosen "Current contents of the
-- field" in the Behavior Parameters dialog. The default item will be the
-- first item in your list. Example:
-- sendSprite (1, #DropList_SetContents, ["Register","Help", "Quit"])
-- If the dropdown list is set to "Execute... do selectedLine", then make sure
-- that there are handlers in a movie script to deal with each command.
-- You can also use the symbols #marker and #movie as a parameter. This will
-- automatically create a list of either markers in the current movie, or
-- movies in the current folder and subfolders. Examples:
-- sendSprite (1, #DropList_SetContents, #marker)
-- sendAllSprites (#DropList_SetContents, #movie, "List 1")
-- You can toggle between the selection and execution modes using a
-- #DropList_ToggleExecution call. This takes one or two parameters: the new
-- mode and/or the name of the list to toggle. If you use both parameters, the
-- new mode should appear first. Example:
-- sendAllSprites (#DropList_ToggleExecution, #execute, "Movies")
-- If you do not specify a mode, the mode will switch between #execute and
-- #select. If you do not specify a list, then all dropdown lists in the
-- current frame will be affected.
-- 12 - 13 September 1998: written for the D7 Behaviors Palette by James Newton
-- 28- 30 October 1998: rewritten with help and guidance from Pim van Bochoven
-- to include a selection checkmark and to allow the use of markers with
-- duplicate names.
-- 13 November 1998: additional Public Method handlers added and commented.
property spriteNum
property mySprite
-- author-defined parameters
property myName
property myContent
property myAction
property myCheckmark
property myStandard
-- internal properties
property myListMember
property myField
property myItemsList
property myRestoreString
property myDisplayString
-- dimensions
property myItemHeight
property myOpenRect
property myClosedRect
property myClosedLoc
property myOpenHeight
property myStageHeight
property myStageWidth
-- selection
property mySelectedItem
property myListIsOpen
property myClickTicks
property myLastHilite
on beginSprite me
Initialize me
end beginSprite
on mouseDown me
if not myListIsOpen then OpenList me
end mouseDown
on prepareFrame me
CheckListState me
end prepareFrame
on mouseUp me
CheckClick me
end mouseUp
on mouseUpOutside me
CloseList me
end mouseUpOutside
on CheckListState me
if myListIsOpen then
if the clickOn <> spriteNum then
-- Click outside list while it is held open
CloseList me
HiliteSelection me
end if
if myContent = #marker and myAction then
markerNumber = GetCurrentMarker (me)
if mySelectedItem = markerNumber then exit
mySelectedItem = markerNumber
ScrollTo me, mySelectedItem
end if
end if
end CheckListState
on OpenList me -- sent by mouseDown
myClickTicks = the ticks
myListIsOpen = TRUE
myDisplayString = myRestoreString
if not myAction then
put myCheckMark into myDisplayString.line[mySelectedItem].char [1..2]
end if
myListMember.text = myDisplayString
currentScroll = myListMember.scrollTop
if myOpenHeight <= myStageHeight then
-- Show whole list to best advantage
overShoot = currentScroll - myClosedLoc[2]
if overShoot < 0 then
overShoot = myOpenHeight - overShoot - myStageHeight
if overShoot < 0 then
-- Simplest case
mySprite.locV = myClosedLoc[2] - currentScroll
-- List too low: shift it up so it will appear in full
lineAdjust = ((overShoot - 1) / myItemHeight) + 1
pixelAdjust = (lineAdjust * myItemHeight) - overShoot
openTop = myStageHeight - myOpenHeight - pixeladjust
mySprite.locV = openTop
end if
-- List too high: shift it down so it will appear in full
lineAdjust = ((overShoot - 1) / myItemHeight) + 1
pixelAdjust = lineAdjust * myItemHeight
openTop = pixelAdjust - overShoot
mySprite.locV = openTop
end if
myListMember.scrollTop = 0
myListMember.rect = myOpenRect
-- List is too long to show in full: show as much as possible...
mySprite.locV = -2
clippedRect = myOpenRect.duplicate()
clippedRect[4] = myStageHeight
myListMember.rect = clippedRect
--...and let it a scroll
myListMember.boxType = #scroll
if mySprite.right > myStageWidth then
spriteWIdth = mySprite.right - mySprite.left
mySprite.locH = myStageWidth - spriteWIdth
end if
scrollAdjust = myClosedLoc[2] - mySprite.locV
myListMember.scrolltop = currentScroll - scrollAdjust
end if
end OpenList
on HiliteSelection me -- sent by prepareFrame
if the mouseMember <> myListMember then
if myLastHilite then
-- Clear hilite to indicate that no action will be taken
myLastHilite = 0
hilite char the maxInteger of field myField
end if
if myListMember.boxtype = #scroll then AutoScroll me
-- Hilite the line under the mouse
listLocV = mouseV() - mySprite.locV + myListMember.scrollTop
mouseItem = (listLocV / myItemHeight) + 1
end if
if mouseItem = myLastHilite then exit
if mouseItem > myItemsList.count then
myLastHilite = 0
hilite char the maxInteger of field myField
end if
myLastHilite = mouseItem
if mouseItem = 1 then
firstCharToHilite = 1
textBeforeMouseItem = line 1 to (mouseItem - 1) of myDisplayString
firstCharToHilite = the number of chars of textBeforeMouseItem + 2
-- Two extra characters = invisible RETURN + first char of mouseItem
end if
mouseItemLength = the number of chars of line mouseItem of myDisplayString
lastCharToHilite = firstCharToHilite + mouseItemLength
hilite char firstCharToHilite to lastCharToHilite of field myField
end HiliteSelection
on AutoScroll me -- sent by HiliteSelection
scrollDownHeight = myItemHeight / 2
scrollUpHeight = myStageHeight - myItemHeight / 2
currentScroll = myListMember.scrollTop
if mouseV() < scrollDownHeight then
if currentScroll <> 0 then
newScroll = currentScroll - scrollDownHeight
myListMember.scrollTop = max (0, newScroll)
end if
else if mouseV() > scrollUpHeight then
maxScroll = myOpenHeight - myStageHeight
if currentScroll <> maxScroll then
newScroll = currentScroll + scrollDownHeight
myListMember.scrollTop = min (maxScroll, newScroll)
end if
end if
end AutoScroll
on CheckClick me -- sent by mouseUp
if the ticks - myClickTicks < 30 then
-- Fast click: hold list open and get ready to react to the next click
myClickTicks = 0
if myLasthilite then
-- Treat selection and close
mySelectedItem = myLastHilite
end if
CloseList me
if myAction and myLastHilite then
Execute me
end if
end if
myLastHilite = 0
end CheckClick
on ScrollTo me, theLine -- sent by Initialize, CloseList
myListMember.scrollTop = -10
-- D7 won't set the scrollTop if it thinks it hasn't changed
myListMember.scrollTop = myItemHeight * (theLine - 1)
end ScrollTo
on CloseList me -- sent by mouseUpOutside, HiliteSelection, CheckClick
hilite char the maxInteger of field myField
if not myAction then
myListMember.text = myRestoreString
end if
mySprite.loc = myClosedLoc
myListMember.boxType = #fixed
myListMember.rect = myClosedRect
ScrollTo (me, mySelectedItem)
myListIsOpen = FALSE
if myContent <> #marker then updateStage
end CloseList
on Execute me -- sent by CheckClick
theItem = myItemsList[mySelectedItem]
case myContent of
if not (the movieName starts (theItem&".")) then
go movie theItem
end if
#marker: go myItemsList.getPropAt(mySelectedItem)
#content: load theItem, the clickon ---skb changed
end case
end Execute
on Initialize me -- sent by beginSprite
mySprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
myListMember = mySprite.member
-- Error checking
memberType = myListMember.type
if memberType <> #field then
ErrorAlert (me, #invalidMemberType, memberType)
end if
-- End of error checking
myField = myListMember.number
-- Convert to symbols
case myContent of
"Current contents of the field": myContent = #content
"Markers in this movie": myContent = #marker
"Movies with the same path name": myContent = #movie
end case
-- Convert to boolean
case myAction of
"Select: return the selected item when called":
myAction = FALSE
"Execute: go movie | go marker | do selectedLine":
myAction = TRUE
end case
-- Ensure that the field properties are properly set
myListMember.wordWrap = FALSE
myListMember.alignment = "left"
myListMember.boxType = #fixed
if myStandard then
myListMember.border = 1
myListMember.margin = 2
myListMember.boxDropShadow = 2
end if
-- Determine the field's content
CreateItems me
mySelectedItem = DefaultItem (me)
SetDimensions me
-- Display closed list
myListMember.rect = myClosedRect
ScrollTo (me, mySelectedItem)
end Initialize
on CreateItems me -- sent by Initialize
case myContent of
CreateContentsLists (me)
myRestoreString = AddSpaces (me, the labelList)
myItemsList = GetMarkedFrames (me)
myRestoreString = ""
myItemsList = [:]
saveDelimiter = the itemDelimiter
the itemDelimiter = "."
CreateMovieLists (me, the moviePath)
set the itemDelimiter = saveDelimiter
end case
end CreateItems
on AddSpaces me, theText
-- Adds three spaces to the beginning of every line
repeat while the last char of theText = RETURN
delete the last char of theText
end repeat
newString = EMPTY
lineCount = theText.line.count
repeat while lineCount
theItem = theText.line[lineCount]
put " "&theItem&RETURN before newString
lineCount = lineCount - 1
end repeat
return newString
end AddSpaces
on CreateContentsLists me
theText = myListMember.text
repeat while the last char of theText = RETURN
delete the last char of theText
end repeat
myRestoreString = EMPTY
myItemsList = [:]
lineCount = theText.line.count
repeat with i = 1 to lineCount
theItem = theText.line[i]
-- Strip myCheckmark and any spaces
if SPACE&myCheckmark contains theItem.char[1] then
delete theItem.char[1]
repeat while theItem.char[1] = " "
delete theItem.char[1]
end repeat
end if
-- Ensure that the line starts with 3 spaces
myRestoreString = myRestoreString&" "&theItem&RETURN
myItemsList.addProp(i, theItem)
end repeat
end CreateContentsLists
on GetMarkedFrames me
markerList = [:]
sort markerList
lastCheckedMarker = 0
if marker (1) <> marker (-the maxInteger / 2) then
-- We're after the first marker
repeat with i = 0 down to -the maxInteger
checkMarker = marker(i)
if checkMarker = lastCheckedMarker then exit repeat
lastCheckedMarker = checkMarker
markerList.addProp (checkMarker, 0)
end repeat
end if
if marker (0) <> marker (the maxInteger / 2) then
-- We're before the last marker
repeat with i = 1 to the maxInteger
checkMarker = marker(i)
if checkMarker = lastCheckedMarker then exit repeat
lastCheckedMarker = checkMarker
markerList.addProp(checkMarker, 0)
end repeat
end if
i = markerList.count()
theLabels = the labelList
repeat while i
markerList [i] = theLabels.line [i]
i = i - 1
end repeat
return markerList
end GetMarkedFrames
on CreateMovieLists me, folderName -- sent by GetListItems
-- Recursive handler
if (the machineType = 256) then
fileDelimiter = "\"
fileDelimiter = ":"
end if
fileCount = 0
repeat while TRUE
fileCount = fileCount + 1
theFileName = getNthFileNameInFolder (folderName, fileCount)
if theFileName = EMPTY then
-- No more files
return -- movieString
-- Check if theFile is a movie
case item 2 of theFileName of
"dir", "dxr", "dcr":
theMovie = item 1 of theFileName
myRestoreString = myRestoreString&" "&theMovie&RETURN
movieCount = myItemsList.count() + 1
myItemsList.addProp(movieCount, theMovie)
-- Check if theFile is not in fact a folder: use recursion
CreateMovieLists (me, folderName&theFileName&fileDelimiter)
end case
end if
end repeat
end MovieList
on DefaultItem me -- sent by Initialize
case myContent of
#content: return 1
#marker: return GetCurrentMarker (me)
saveDelimiter = the itemDelimiter
set the itemDelimiter to "."
shortName = item 1 of the movieName
set the itemDelimiter = saveDelimiter
return myItemsList.getPos (shortName)
end case
end DefaultItem
on SetDimensions me
-- Determine the dimensions of the list
saveLastChar = the last char of myRestoreString -- Should be RETURN
delete the last char of myRestoreString
myListMember.text = myRestoreString
myItemHeight = myListMember.lineHeight
myOpenRect = myListMember.rect
myClosedRect = myOpenRect.duplicate()
myClosedRect[4] = myItemHeight + (myListMember.margin / 2)
myClosedLoc = mySprite.loc
addedHeight = (myListMember.margin * 2) + myListMember.boxDropShadow
myOpenHeight = myOpenRect.bottom + addedHeight
windowRect = (the activeWindow).rect
myStageHeight = windowRect.bottom - windowRect.top
myStageWidth = windowRect.right - windowRect.left
myRestoreString = myRestoreString&saveLastChar
myListMember.text = myRestoreString
end SetDimensions
on GetCurrentMarker me -- sent by Initialize
-- Also used to update display if playback head moved by some other means
markerPosition = myItemsList.findPos(the frame)
if not markerPosition then
markerPosition = myItemsList.findPosNear(the frame) - 1
end if
return max (1, markerPosition)
end GetCurrentMarker
-- PUBLIC METHOD (response to #sendSprite, #sendAllSprites, #call) --
on DropList_Selection me, propListOrString
-- Returns the current selection of the dropdown list. If you have several
-- dropdown lists with different names, then you can use sendAllSprites call
-- with a property list as a parameter. Example:
-- put sendAllSprites (#DropList_Selection, [:])
-- -- ["Markers": [#item: 1, #text: "Intro", #type: #marker, #sprite: 1],
-- "Movies": [#item: 5, #text: "Main", #type: #movie, #sprite: 2]]
-- If you want the current selection of a particular list then use its name:
-- put sendAllSprites (#DropList_Selection, "Markers")
-- -- [#item: 1, #text: "Intro", #type: #marker, #sprite: 1]
-- If you know the sprite number of the list, then you can call it directly:
-- put sendSprite (2, #DropList_Selection)
-- -- [#item: 5, #text: "Main", #type: #movie, #sprite: 2]
if stringP (propListOrString) then
if propListOrString <> myName then exit
end if
data = ¼
#item: mySelectedItem, ¼
#text: myItemsList[mySelectedItem], ¼
#type: myContent, ¼
#sprite: spriteNum ¼
if ilk (propListOrString) <> #propList then
return data
propListOrString.addProp(myName, data)
return propListOrString
end if
end DropList_Selection
on DropList_SetContents me, theContents, theListName
-- Changes the contents of the dropdown list to theContents. This can be
-- either a RETURN delimited string, a list, #marker or #movie.
-- "theListName" is an optional parameter which allows you to change the
-- contents of a given list by using its name rather than by calling a
-- specific sprite number or behavior. Examples:
-- sendSprite (1, #DropList_SetContents, #movies)
-- sendAllSprites (#DropList_SetContents, #marker, "List 1")
-- objectRef = sendAllSprites (#DropList_GetReference, "Lingo")
-- call (#DropList_SetContents, objectRef, ["Register","Help", "Quit"])
if not voidP (theListName) then
if theListName <> myName then exit
end if
case ilk (theContents) of
myListMember.text = theContents
myContent = #content
Initialize me
listItems = ""
lineCount = theContents.count
repeat with i = 1 to lineCount
theLine = string (theContents[i])
put theLine&RETURN after listItems
end repeat
myListMember.text = listItems
myContent = #content
Initialize me
case theContents of
myContent = #marker
Initialize me
myContent = #movie
Initialize me
return #invalidListContents
end case
return #invalidListContents
end case
end DropList_SetContents
on DropList_ToggleExecution me, executeMode, listName
-- Determines whether the dropdown list executes any lingo when an item is
-- selected, or whether it simply retains the selection data.
-- "listName" is an optional parameter. You can use it to change the
-- setting of a given list by using its name rather than by calling a
-- specific sprite number or behavior. This example makes the dropdown list
-- named "Movies" execute when an item is selected:
-- sendAllSprites (#DropList_ToggleExecution, TRUE, "Movies")
-- If you use a sendAllSprites message without the listName parameter, all
-- dropdown lists will be affected. This example switches all dropdown lists
-- to #select mode:
-- sendAllSprites (#DropList_ToggleExecution, #select)
-- "executeMode" can take any of five values:
-- * #execute and TRUE will make the dropdown list execute as appropriate
-- when an item is selected.
-- * #select and FALSE will make the dropdown list do nothing when an item
-- is selected. Use a #DropList_Selection call to get the selection info.
-- * void (or leaving the parameter blank) will toggle the behavior between
-- #execute and #select mode.
-- You can use a list name as the only parameter; this will toggle the
-- execute mode of the named list. This example toggles the execute mode of
-- a dropdown list named "Lingo":
-- sendAllSprites (#DropList_ToggleExecution, "Lingo")
-- This example sets the dropdown list in sprite 1 to select mode:
-- sendSprite (1, #DropList_ToggleExecution, FALSE)
if not voidP (listName) then
if listName <> myName then
end if
else if stringP (executeMode) then
-- Treat executeMode as if it were listName and executeMode were void
if executeMode = myName then
myAction = not myAction
end if
end if
if voidP (executeMode) then
myAction = not myAction
case executeMode of
#execute, TRUE: myAction = TRUE
#select, FALSE: myAction = FALSE
return #invalidExecuteMode
end case
end if
end DropList_ToggleExecution
on DropList_GetReference me, propListOrString
-- Returns the object reference of this behavior. If you have several
-- dropdown lists with different names, then you can use sendAllSprites call
-- with a property list as a parameter. Example:
-- put sendAllSprites (#DropList_GetReference, [:])
-- -- ["Markers": <objectRef>, "Movies": <objectRef>, "Lingo": <objectRef>]
-- If you want the behavior reference of a particular list then use its name:
-- put sendAllSprites (#DropList_GetReference, "Markers")
-- -- <offspring "Dropdown List" 2 2ee89e8>
-- If you know the sprite number of the list, then you can call it directly:
-- put sendSprite (1, #DropList_GetReference)
-- -- <offspring "Dropdown List" 2 2ee89e8>
case ilk(propListOrString) of
propListOrString.addProp(myName, me)
return propListOrString
if propListOrString = myName then return me
return me
end case
end DropList_GetReference
on ErrorAlert me, theError, data
-- sent by getPropertyDescriptionList, Initialize
case theError of
alert "¼
Error: This behavior works only with Field members."&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
Hit OK and then delete this behavior from the sprite."&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
For more information on deleting Behaviors, see the Help system."
if the optionDown then
return ¼
[ ¼
#getPDLError: ¼
[ ¼
#comment: "ERROR: Wrong member type. Click 'Cancel'."&RETURN&"¼
Use only with Field members.", ¼
#format: #string, ¼
#range: [""], ¼
#default: "" ¼
] ¼
end if
-- Determine the behavior's name
behaviorName = string (me)
delete word 1 of behaviorName
delete the last word of behaviorName
delete the last word of behaviorName
alert "¼
BEHAVIOR ERROR: Frame "&the frame&", Sprite "&me.spriteNum&RETURN&RETURN&"¼
Behavior "&behaviorName&" only works with Field members."&¼
RETURN&RETURN&"Current member type = #"&data
end case
end ErrorAlert
on getPropertyDescriptionList me
if not the currentSpriteNum then exit
-- Error check: does current sprite contain appropriate member type?
theMember = sprite(the currentSpriteNum).member
memberType = theMember.type
permittedTypes = PermittedMemberTypes(me)
if not permittedTypes.getPos(memberType) then
return errorAlert (me, #getPDLError, permittedTypes)
end if
-- No errors detected: continue as usual ...
return ¼
[ ¼
#myName: ¼
[ ¼
#comment: "Name of this list:", ¼
#format: #string, ¼
#default: "List "&the currentSpriteNum ¼
], ¼
#myContent: ¼
[ ¼
#comment: "Contents of list:", ¼
#format: #string, ¼
#range: ¼
"Current contents of the field", ¼
"Markers in this movie", ¼
"Movies with the same path name" ¼
], ¼
#default: "Current contents of the field" ¼
], ¼
#myAction: ¼
[ ¼
#comment: "Purpose of list:", ¼
#format: #string, ¼
#range : ¼
[ ¼
"Select: return the selected item when called", ¼
"Execute: go movie | go marker | do selectedLine" ¼
], ¼
#default: "Select: return the selected item when called" ¼
], ¼
#myCheckmark: ¼
[ ¼
#comment: "Checkmark to indicate currently selected item:", ¼
#format: #string, ¼
#default: ">" ¼
], ¼
#myStandard: ¼
[ ¼
#comment: "Use standard style?", ¼
#format: #boolean, ¼
#default: TRUE ¼
] ¼
end getPropertyDescriptionList
on PermittedMemberTypes me
-- sent by getBehaviorDescription, getPropertyDescriptionList,
-- Initialize, ErrorAlert
return [#field]
end PermittedMemberTypes